Creamy Pumpkin Risotto

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This Creamy Pumpkin Risotto is a warm, comforting dish where soft rice meets tender pumpkin, all coated in a creamy cheese sauce. It’s like a flavor party in your mouth, with a hint of thyme to make it even cozier.

easy creamy pumpkin risotto recipe is is a comfort food perfect for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Why I Loved This Recipe

On a cool autumn evening, I embarked on a culinary adventure.

Sautéing onions and garlic filled the kitchen with a cozy aroma.

Arborio rice, pumpkin, cheese, and thyme transformed into a comforting dish.

This recipe showed me that simple ingredients and love can create culinary magic.

Pumpkin risotto with cheese and thyme is now a cherished favorite.

easy creamy pumpkin risotto recipe is is a comfort food perfect for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

• Flavor Explosion: Pumpkin, cheese, and thyme combine for a taste sensation.

• Silky Smoothness: Arborio rice cooked slowly gives a creamy, comforting texture.

• Effortless Sophistication: Serve a gourmet-looking dish without hours of prep.

• Make It Yours: Adjust ingredients to suit your style, whether it’s a cozy dinner or a fancy party.

Helpful Kitchen Tools

easy creamy pumpkin risotto recipe is is a comfort food perfect for fall and thanksgiving dinner


• 2 cups Arborio rice: This rice turns creamy as it cooks, making our dish special.

• 1 small sugar pumpkin, diced: Pumpkin adds sweetness and warmth to our risotto.

• 4 cups warm broth: It’s the liquid that makes our rice creamy and dreamy.

• 1 cup white wine (optional): Wine adds a fancy twist and a special flavor.

• 1 chopped onion: Onion adds flavor and savory goodness.

• 3 minced garlic cloves: Garlic is our secret flavor superhero.

• 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese: Cheese gives a creamy, delicious hug to the rice.

• 1 cup diced Fontina cheese: More cheese, more happiness; it makes it gooey and rich.

 2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves: Thyme adds a magical aroma and taste.

• 3 tablespoons butter: Butter makes it rich and velvety, like a cozy blanket.

• Salt and pepper: They’re the flavor heroes that enhance all the yummy tastes.

easy creamy pumpkin risotto recipe is is a comfort food perfect for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Making Of Pumpkin Risotto With Cheese and Thyme

STEP 1: Heat up a big pot on your stove and toss in 2 tablespoons of butter. Let it melt and get all cozy. Now, add those chopped onions and let them sizzle away until they become soft.

STEP 2: Add the minced garlic and Arborio rice to the pot. Cook them together for a few minutes until the rice starts looking a bit see-through. (OPTIONAL) Pour in some white wine and let it sizzle in the pot.

STEP 3: Start adding warm broth, a little at a time. Stir a lot, like you’re giving the rice a nice hug. This part takes about 10 minutes. When the rice is starting to feel comfy, toss in the diced pumpkin. Let it cook with the rice and soak up all those delicious flavors.

easy creamy pumpkin risotto recipe is is a comfort food perfect for fall and thanksgiving dinner

STEP 4: As the rice gets creamier, it’s time to add the grated Parmesan and diced Fontina cheese. Stir until they melt into the risotto, making it all gooey and amazing. Sprinkle in those fresh thyme leaves.

STEP 5: Turn off the heat and stir in that last tablespoon of butter. Grab a spoon and have a taste. The rice should be soft but still a bit firm, like saying, “Hey, I’m here!” Adjust the seasoning if needed. Now, it’s time to serve up that creamy, dreamy risotto onto plates.

easy creamy pumpkin risotto recipe is is a comfort food perfect for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Tips and Techniques

• Use Arborio rice because it turns creamy and cozy as it cooks, like magic!

• Keep the broth warm before adding it to the rice; cold broth can mess up the creamy vibe.

• Stir the rice a lot – It will help you make your risotto more creamier.

• Add pumpkin pieces while the rice cooks to make it sweeter.

easy creamy pumpkin risotto recipe is is a comfort food perfect for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Serving Size

This recipe makes around 4 big servings. It’s like having a cozy dinner party with your taste buds and tummy! So grab your forks and gather your friends or family – it’s time to enjoy the deliciousness together.

Serving Suggestions

• Pair it with a fresh salad for a crispy contrast to the creamy risotto.

• Roasted or steamed veggies, like broccoli or asparagus, bring color and goodness to your plate.

• Add grilled chicken, shrimp, or crispy bacon for a protein-packed twist.

• A slice of crusty bread is perfect for sopping up the creamy goodness.

easy creamy pumpkin risotto recipe is is a comfort food perfect for fall and thanksgiving dinner


• Sprinkle toasted pine nuts or chopped walnuts to add a satisfying crunch, like a surprise texture party in every bite.

• Throw in baby spinach, kale, or arugula before serving for a burst of garden goodness.

• Get adventurous with Gouda, Gruyère, or even blue cheese to treat your taste buds to a new adventure.

• Roasted zucchini, mushrooms, or asparagus not only add flavor but also a veggie rainbow of color.

• No thyme? No problem! Rosemary or sage can be added with their own special touch.

easy creamy pumpkin risotto recipe is is a comfort food perfect for fall and thanksgiving dinner

Storage Tips

To keep your leftover risotto happy, remember these simple steps: Let it cool a bit, seal it in an airtight container, and tuck it in the fridge for freshness. When it’s time for a rematch, warm it gently on the stovetop with a little broth. But don’t let it linger too long; risotto likes to be enjoyed within a couple of days for its best flavor.

Risotto with pumpkin, cheese and thyme. Vegetarian food. Healthy eating.


Q. Can I make this vegetarian?

Absolutely! Swap the chicken broth for vegetable broth, and you’ll have a delicious vegetarian dish.

Q. Can I use brown rice instead of Arborio?

While Arborio rice is best for achieving the creamy texture of risotto, you can use brown rice. Keep in mind that the texture may be slightly different.

Q. Do I have to use wine?

No, you can omit the wine if you prefer. Just continue adding broth until the rice is cooked.

Q. Can I use dried thyme?

Fresh thyme provides the best flavor, but if you only have dried thyme, use it sparingly, as dried herbs are more potent.

Q. Can I freeze the leftovers?

Risotto is best enjoyed fresh due to its creamy nature. Freezing may alter the texture.

Pumpkin Risotto With Cheese & Thyme

Creamy Pumpkin Risotto with Cheese and Thyme is perfectly cooked Arborio rice, embraced by velvety pumpkin, rich melted cheese, and the delightful aroma of thyme.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Total Time45 minutes
Servings: 4 servings


  • 2 cups Arborio rice
  • 1 small sugar pumpkin peeled, seeded, and diced
  • 4 cups chicken or vegetable broth kept warm
  • 1 cup dry white wine optional
  • 1 medium onion finely chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 cup Parmesan cheese grated
  • 1 cup Fontina cheese diced
  • 2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Heat a big pot over medium heat and melt 2 tablespoons of butter.
  • Add chopped onion and cook until they’re soft, about 3-4 minutes.
  • Add minced garlic and Arborio rice. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, until the rice looks a bit see-through.
  • If using, pour in the white wine and let it cook until mostly absorbed.
  • Start adding warm broth, one ladleful at a time, stirring often. Allow the liquid to mostly absorb before adding more. This takes about 10 minutes.
  • Toss in the diced pumpkin and continue adding broth and stirring. This takes around 10 more minutes.
  • Once the rice is creamy and the pumpkin is tender, stir in grated Parmesan and diced Fontina cheese until melted and gooey.
  • Sprinkle in fresh thyme leaves and season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Turn off the heat and stir in the remaining tablespoon of butter.


  • Chop onion, mince garlic, and dice pumpkin ahead of time for a smoother cooking process.
  • Keep the broth warm before adding to the rice for a consistent texture.
  • Stirring often is key to getting that creamy risotto goodness.

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