Pumpkin Muffins With Apples & Spices

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As the autumn breeze starts to chill the air, there’s nothing quite like the comforting embrace of these Pumpkin Muffins with Apples and Spices. With the rich flavor of pumpkin, the sweetness of apples, and the warm embrace of spices, each bite is a reminder of cozy evenings and joyful gatherings.

Pin the image and keep this Pumpkin Muffins With Apples & Spices recipe close at hand for your next meal.📌

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Why I Loved This Recipe

I remember the first time I baked these pumpkin muffins.

It was a crisp fall morning, and the scent that filled my kitchen was enchanting.

The combination of pumpkin and apples brought back cherished memories of family gatherings around the fireplace.

The spices not only created a tantalizing aroma but also made me feel like I was wrapping myself in a cozy blanket.

Biting into one of these muffins took me back to those cherished moments, making this recipe a true keeper.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

• Flavor Party: Imagine a party in your mouth where pumpkin, apples, and spices come together to create a symphony of deliciousness. It’s like a cozy autumn hug for your taste buds.

• Moist Magic: These muffins are like the superheroes of moistness, all thanks to the pumpkin. And the diced apples? They add this fantastic texture that’s like a tasty surprise in every bite.

• Easy Breezy: Whether you’re a baking newbie or a seasoned pro, this recipe is your friend. It’s simple to follow, and the results? Oh boy, they make you look like a baking superstar.

• Anytime Treat: Breakfast? Check. Brunch? Absolutely. Snack time? You bet. These muffins don’t just shine on one occasion – they’re your all-day, any-day treat companions.

Recipe Notes

• Pumpkin Purity: When you’re picking pumpkin puree, make sure it’s the pure stuff, not the pumpkin pie filling. We’re after that rich pumpkin flavor without the added spices.

• Apple Adventure: Feel free to mix apple varieties for a flavor-packed adventure. Go for a balance of sweet and tart for the best results.

• Mix with Care: When you’re stirring the dry and wet ingredients together, show them some love but don’t overdo it. A few lumps are like little surprises waiting to be discovered in your muffins.

• Patience is a Muffin Virtue: Let your muffins cool off a bit in the pan before you let them loose on a wire rack to cool completely. They need a breather after their hot oven adventure.

• Get Creative: These muffins are your canvas, so feel free to toss in some extras like chopped nuts, chocolate chips, or even dried cranberries. Your taste buds, your rules!

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Helpful Kitchen Tools

• Mixing Bowls: These are essential for combining your dry and wet ingredients.

• Muffin Pan: The heart of muffin-making, a quality muffin pan ensures even baking.

• Cookie Scoop: Makes scooping batter into muffin cups a breeze, keeping portions consistent.


Dry Ingredients

• 2 cups all-purpose flour: This is the base of our muffins, giving them structure and a tender texture.

• 1 teaspoon baking powder: This helps the muffins rise and become fluffy.

• ½ teaspoon baking soda: This ingredient also helps with the rising process and gives the muffins a light texture.

• ½ teaspoon salt: Salt might seem small, but it enhances all the flavors and balances the sweetness.

• 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon: Cinnamon adds that cozy warmth and wonderful aroma we all love.

• ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg: Nutmeg is like a secret spice that adds a hint of earthy flavor.

• ½ teaspoon ground cloves: Cloves bring a touch of spiciness that dances with the pumpkin and apples.

Wet Ingredients

• 1 cup pumpkin puree: This is where the magic starts. Pumpkin brings a rich flavor and moistness to the muffins.

• ½ cup granulated sugar: Sweetness! It makes our muffins taste like a treat.

• ½ cup brown sugar, packed: Brown sugar adds a caramel-like flavor and makes the muffins moist.

• ½ cup vegetable oil: Oil keeps things tender and prevents our muffins from being dry.

• 2 large eggs: These bind everything together and give structure.

• 1 teaspoon vanilla extract: Vanilla brings out the best in all the other flavors.

Extra Goodness

• 1 ½ cups diced apples, peeled and cored: Apples give the muffins bursts of juicy sweetness and a lovely texture.

Making of Pumpkin Muffins

1. Get Ready to Bake: Preheat your oven to a toasty 350°F (175°C). While it’s warming up, line your muffin pan with those cute paper liners or give it a light greasing – it’s like giving your muffins a comfy bed to bake in.

2. Whisk Those Dry Ingredients: Grab a bowl and let’s make magic. Whisk together the all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda, a pinch of salt, and our aromatic friends: ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. Think of this as setting the stage for flavor fireworks.

3. Mix Up the Goodness: In another bowl, it’s time to create a flavor party. Mix the pumpkin puree (remember, not the pie filling kind), granulated sugar, brown sugar (packed in like a cozy hug), vegetable oil, eggs, and a dash of vanilla extract. Keep mixing until you’ve got a smooth, delicious symphony of ingredients.

4. Blend and Dance: Gently fold the dry ingredient mix into the wet mix. Imagine you’re doing a happy little dance – don’t overmix, we want those muffins to be tender and irresistible.

5. Applelicious Addition: Here comes the juicy fun! Add those diced apples to the mix and fold them in like you’re tucking them in for a nap. They’re going to add a burst of fruity happiness to every bite.

6. Batter Up: Grab your cookie scoop or just a regular spoon – we’re ready to fill those muffin cups. Pour the batter in, about two-thirds full. This is where the magic starts to take shape.

7. The Baking Show: Slide your muffin pan into the preheated oven and let the baking show begin. About 18 to 20 minutes and your kitchen will be bursting with that heavenly aroma.

8. Cool Vibes: Once they’re done, let your muffins chill in the pan for a little while – they’ve been through quite the adventure. Then, gently transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely. Patience, my friend, we’re almost there.

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• Pumpkin Puree: If you’re out of pumpkin puree, don’t panic. Butternut squash puree works just as well, bringing its touch of sweetness and earthy flavor to the muffins.

• Vegetable Oil: If you’re thinking about switching up the oil game, go for melted coconut oil. It adds a hint of tropical flair to the muffins. If you’re aiming for a lighter twist, unsweetened applesauce is your pal.

Variations / Options / Add-Ins

• Nutty Delight: Stir in a handful of chopped nuts like crunchy pecans or earthy walnuts into your muffin batter. Nuts not only add a satisfying crunch but also bring a lovely depth of flavor that pairs perfectly with the pumpkin and spices.

• Sweet Temptation: For those moments when your sweet tooth demands attention, fold in a handful of chocolate chips or chewy dried cranberries. These little bursts of sweetness create a delightful contrast to the warm and spiced muffins.

• Fruity Fusion: Experiment with different fruits to complement the pumpkin base. Swap out the diced apples for juicy pear pieces or even grated carrots for a unique and tasty twist. This is your chance to let your creativity shine.

• Creamy Dream: Take your muffins to the next level by adding a surprise cream cheese filling. Fill each muffin cup partially with batter, then add a spoonful of sweetened cream cheese, followed by more batter. The result? A moist and creamy center that’s simply irresistible.

• Streusel Sensation: Top your muffins with a homemade streusel topping for an extra layer of texture and flavor. Mix brown sugar, flour, a pinch of cinnamon, and cold butter until crumbly, then sprinkle it over the muffin batter before baking. The result is a crispy, buttery crown that’s hard to resist.

• Spiced Glaze: Drizzle your cooled muffins with a spiced glaze for a touch of elegance. Mix powdered sugar with a dash of cinnamon, nutmeg, and a splash of milk until smooth. Drizzle this luscious glaze over the muffins for a beautiful finishing touch.

Serving Suggestions

• Whipped Cream Wonder: Top your pumpkin muffin with a generous swirl of fluffy whipped cream. The contrast between the creamy topping and the warm, spiced muffin is pure perfection. It’s like adding a cozy cloud of deliciousness to every bite.

• Caramel Drizzle Dream: For those with a sweet tooth, a drizzle of rich caramel sauce is pure magic. Let the caramel cascade over the muffin, infusing each nook and cranny with its decadent sweetness. It’s like a cozy hug wrapped in caramel goodness.

• Coffee Buddies: Enjoy your muffin with a freshly brewed cup of coffee. The rich, earthy notes of coffee complement the warm spices and create a comforting combination that’s perfect for starting your day or taking a cozy break.

• Ice Cream Indulgence: Feeling a little adventurous? Slice your muffin in half and sandwich a scoop of vanilla ice cream in between. The warm and cold contrast is a delightful surprise for your taste buds. It’s a dessert-worthy treat that’s bound to put a smile on your face.

Serving Size

This recipe will make around 12 regular-sized muffins or about 24 mini muffins. So, you can enjoy a batch of these delicious Pumpkin Muffins with Apples and Spices together with your friends and family, or keep them for yourself to enjoy over a few days. They’re perfect for sharing or enjoying whenever you want a cozy treat!

Pro Tips

• Flour Feats: When measuring flour, be gentle. Spoon it into the measuring cup and then level it off with a flat edge. This way, you won’t accidentally pack in too much flour, which can make your muffins a bit too serious and less fluffy.

• Hot Start Hack: Want that bakery-style muffin dome? Begin baking at a higher temperature, around 400°F (200°C), for just about 5 minutes. Then, lower it down to the regular temperature. This trick helps the muffins rise nice and tall.

• Mix Magic: When you’re mixing the wet and dry stuff, don’t go overboard. A few lumps are cool. Overmixing can lead to muffins that are a bit tough. We want them tender and happy!

• Apple Adventure: When picking apples, mix it up! Choose a mix of sweet and tart apples to give your muffins a symphony of flavors. It’s like a little apple party in each bite.

• Cool Cats: After baking, let your muffins cool in the pan for a little while before transferring them to a wire rack. They need a breather to get all settled and cozy.

• Muffin Scoop Savvy: Using a cookie scoop to put the batter into the muffin cups makes life so much easier. Plus, it keeps all your muffins the same size, which is like giving them all equal muffin love.

Storage Tips

• Room Temperature: If you plan to enjoy your muffins within the next 3 days, you can keep them at room temperature. Just pop them into an airtight container to keep them from getting stale.

• Freezing Friends: If you’ve made a bunch and want to keep them for later, freezing is your buddy. Wrap each muffin in plastic wrap and then put them all together in a freezer-safe bag. They can hang out in the freezer for up to a couple of months.

• Thawing Time: When you’re ready to gobble up a muffin from the freezer, take it out and let it thaw at room temperature. You can even give it a little warm-up in the microwave for that fresh-baked feeling.

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Q. Can I use fresh pumpkin instead of canned puree?

Absolutely! Just make sure to cook and mash the pumpkin until smooth before using it in the recipe.

Q. Can I replace apples with another fruit?

Yes, you can experiment with pears or even grated carrots for a different twist.

Q. Can I use whole wheat flour?

Certainly, but keep in mind that whole wheat flour might yield slightly denser muffins.

Q. Can I reduce the sugar in the recipe?

Yes, you can adjust the sugar to your taste. However, keep in mind that it might affect the texture and moisture of the muffins.

Q. Can I use paper liners or should I grease the muffin pan?

Both options work well. Paper liners make cleanup easier while greasing the pan can create a slightly crisper edge.

Pumpkin Muffins With Apples & Spices

These Pumpkin Muffins with Apples and Spices. are a combination rich flavor of pumpkin, the sweetness of apples, and the warm embrace of spices
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time20 minutes
Cooling Time15 minutes
Total Time50 minutes
Course: Snack
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Apple, Fall, Muffins, Pumpkin
Servings: 12 pieces


  • Mixing Bowls
  • Muffin Pan
  • Cookie Scoop


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 cup pumpkin puree
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup vegetable oil
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 ½ cups diced apples


  • Heat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Put paper liners in a muffin pan or lightly grease them.
  • In a bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.
  • In another bowl, beat the pumpkin puree, granulated sugar, brown sugar, oil, eggs, and vanilla extract.
  • Slowly add the dry mix to the wet mix. Don’t mix too much, just until it’s all together.
  • Put the diced apples in the batter and mix gently.
  • Use a cookie scoop or spoon to put the batter evenly in the muffin cups. Fill them about ⅔ full.
  • Bake for 18-20 minutes until a toothpick you stick in the muffins comes out clean.
  • Let the muffins cool in the pan for a bit. Then, put them on a wire rack to cool down more.


  • If you don’t have pumpkin puree, you can use butternut squash puree.
  • Instead of vegetable oil, you can use melted coconut oil or unsweetened applesauce.
Variations / Options / Add-Ins
  • Add chopped nuts like pecans or walnuts for some crunch.
  • If you like, throw in chocolate chips or dried cranberries for extra sweetness.
Serving Suggestions
These Pumpkin Muffins with Apples and Spices are awesome all by themselves. But if you’re feeling fancy, you can put whipped cream or caramel sauce on top. They’re perfect with a cozy cup of tea or coffee.
Pro Tips
  • Measure flour by spooning it into the cup and leveling it.
  • For a bakery-style shape, start baking at a higher temperature (400°F/200°C) for 5 minutes, then lower it.
Storage Tips
    • Keep muffins at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 3 days.
    • Freeze them individually wrapped in plastic wrap and a freezer-safe bag for a couple of months.

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